Links and Information

Below are links to other important information about childhood uncorrected refractive errors:

WHO World Report on Vision

World report on vision

The World report on vision was produced at the request of Member States during a side event to the 70th World Health Assembly, and with the support of global experts. It provides evidence on the magnitude of eye conditions and vision impairment globally, suggests strategies to address eye care, and offers recommendations for action to improve eye care services worldwide. At least 2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment, of whom at least 1 billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. This report highlights the challenges faced including inequalities in coverage and quality of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services, a shortage of trained eye care providers, and poor integration of eye care services into health systems.

Essilor See the Change

Eliminating poor vision in a generation

This report is an evidence-based plan that clarifies what it will take to eliminate uncorrected refractive error by the year 2050 and has served as our guiding resource. Uncorrected poor vision is the world’s most widespread, unaddressed disability. It affects one in three people, 90% of whom live in the developing world. Without intervention, this problem is only expected to increase. Over 100 experts in eye health, academia, and program implementation were interviewed in preparation for this report.


IAPB Vision Atlas

Explore an interactive map displaying the number of people affected by vision loss.


2030 in Sight

IAPB highlights the scope of the challenge of ending avoidable sight loss and 2030 In Sight is the sector’s strategic plan for the next decade.


World Sight Day

Each year, IAPB focuses the world’s attention on the importance of vision care. Everyone is invited to join in by prioritizing eye health and considering how eye care and rehabilitation services should be accessible, inclusive, and affordable to everyone, everywhere.


International Council of Ophthalmology

The International Council of Ophthalmology hosts the annual World Ophthalmology Congress, the longest continuous international medical meeting.

IAPB School Health Guidelines

IAPB Standard school eye health guidelines for low- and middle-income countries

The IAPB School Eye Health Workgroup has released these guidelines to help deliver standardized comprehensive eye health services to school children. The guide is downloadable in multiple languages.

A toolkit on how to implement MyopiaEd

WHO Be He@lthy Be Mobile: A toolkit on how to implement MyopiaEd

Myopia represents an important public health issue in the 21st century, affecting an estimated 2.6 billion people in 2020. Education campaigns play a vital role in the management of myopia and its associated complications, while also raising awareness of good eye care behaviours. In the context of the Be He@lthy Be Mobile initiative, the World Health Organization and the International Telecommunication Union have developed “A toolkit on how to implement MyopiaEd”.

This toolkit includes evidence-based message libraries for key population groups, along with operational guidance and resources for adapting, implementing, and monitoring the MyopiaEd program. The toolkit is intended to assist policy- and decision-makers and implementers to establish a national or large-scale MyopiaEd program.